JEVATEC – from VACOM Steuerungsbau und Service GmbH to brand manufacturer of its own vacuum gauges

Learn more from over 25 years of ideas in vacuum technology!

January 2024

Visiting JEVATEC for the first time in five years – the carol singers from the Catholic parish of Jena on Epiphany 2024. Managing Director Ingo Stiebritz presented a donation of €1000 to support the cause of the children’s missionary organisation “Die Sternsinger” e.V. .

Mai 2023

Compact laboratory vacuum pumping units for various applications.

The modular design and the combination of different measuring and control modules enable a wide range of realisable applications.

April 2021

Founded in 1996 as VACOM Steuerungsbau und Service GmbH, today’s JEVATEC GmbH has been a reliable partner for customers and suppliers for 25 years.

With an extensive portfolio, we see ourselves today not only as a creative developer and producer of vacuum measurement technology, but also as a sustainable and comprehensive service provider for all aspects of vacuum technology. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this.

January 2021

Interested customers from the United Kingdom now have the opportunity to contact our local distributor 4VISA Ltd. – Products for Vacuum, Industrial & Scientific Applications.

December 2020

For us, it’s not always just about the vacuum.

For our long-standing customer, the Thüringer Landesamt für Landwirtschaft und Ländlichen Raum, we modernised an older weighing and dosing system. Here we were able to utilise our expertise in system design and control.

The result was a system for automatically dosing water and solutions onto soil samples or other samples in containers arranged in a rectangular grid on a sample table. This was realised using a new stepper motor-driven XY traversing unit (traverse path of 2000 mm x 500 mm) and existing components for dosing. Both the parameter settings and the entire operation are carried out using specially developed software via a PC.

October 2020

On 2 October 2020, our Managing Director Ingo Stiebritz presented a donation of €1000 to the German Bee Museum in Weimar.

We are delighted to be able to support the work of Thuringian beekeepers in spreading knowledge about bees with this donation.

June 2020

Weld-in SUB-D feedthroughs in 9-, 15- and 25-pin versions for UHV applications complete our portfolio of vacuum components.

May 2019

With Baruvac AG Gebläse und Vakuumtechnik, Swiss customers have a competent partner and distributor for our vacuum measurement technology and vacuum components.

January 2019

For the third time in a row, carol singers from the Catholic parish of Jena brought the blessing on Epiphany. Managing Director Ingo Stiebritz presented a donation of €1,000 to support the endeavours of the children’s missionary organisation “Die Sternsinger” e.V. .

November 2018

The sensor of our Pirani vacuum gauge JEVAmet® PRM / PRM-S has been revised.

The heat conduction vacuum gauge is now also available with a DN16CF flange in a welded design and is therefore ideally suited as a backing vacuum sensor for customers with UHV systems.

August 2018

The JEVAlux® FHL flange-mounted recipient lighting is now available with additional flange sizes.

January 2018

Carol singers visit JEVATEC. Carol singers from the Catholic parish of Jena brought the blessing on Epiphany 2018. The company donated the generous sum of €1000 to support the endeavours of the children’s missionary organisation “Die Sternsinger” e.V. .

June 2017

Selected products in the online shop

Our products can be conveniently ordered online around the clock. The online shop offers a large selection of vacuum technology products.

March 2017

We can offer the ATMION® wide-range vacuum meter, which has proven itself over many years, directly ex works.

We will also be your personal contact in future if you need service or a replacement sensor.

February 2017

The new PRM and PRM-S backing vacuum sensors with an encapsulated Pirani measuring cell complement our JEVAmet® product range.

January 2017

Royal visit to the JEVATEC company. Carol singers from the Catholic parish of Jena brought the blessing on Epiphany 2017. The company donated the generous sum of €1000 to support the endeavours of the children’s missionary organisation “Die Sternsinger” e.V. .

December 2016

Our JEVAlux® product range has grown. With the new flange-mounted recipient lighting FLL, we bring modern and effective LED light into your vacuum chamber. Benefit from a powerful yet low-consumption LED as a radiation source outside the vacuum chamber and loss-free light coupling via a glass cylinder made of optical glass.

August 2016

Proven technology freshly packaged. The SUBLICON®, a universal power supply unit for operating titanium sublimation pumps (TSP) with up to four filaments at a maximum heating current of 50 A, is now also available in the JEVATEC design.

April 2016

20 years of ideas in vacuum technology that have not just remained ideas, but have been realised in successful projects. The two managing partners Ingo Stiebritz and Peter Storch have been in charge of JEVATEC GmbH for two decades and have always been able to rely on their employees.

December 2015

We have made it. Visit our new website – more information about vacuum technology and JEVATEC GmbH.

September 2015

The boarding school building is rented out. On 1 September 2015, we hand over the operation of the boarding school to ÜAG gGmbH Jena.

August 2015

The revised four-channel FCU-4 flow controller from our JEVAflow® product range provides you with a versatile control unit for up to four analogue or digital mass flow controllers (MFC).

May 2015

The time has finally come. Series production of a new innovative controller series with a graphical user interface for active sensors begins. The devices in single or multi-channel versions are in use worldwide under private labelling.

January 2015

Our own device brands JEVAmet® for vacuum measurement technology, JEVAflow® for gas flow control, JEVAlux® for vacuum-compatible lighting technology and JEVAsys® for plants and systems from our company are launched.

October 2014

You can find our new products as well as professionally regenerated vacuum technology, such as pumps, valves or system accessories, in the newly opened eBay shop of JEVATEC GmbH.

June 2014

System for factory calibration and testing of vacuum sensors over the range from atmospheric pressure to ultra-high vacuum.

In collaboration with the Swiss company VAT Vakuumventile AG, we were able to implement a new type of control valve in our calibration pumping unit, which can be used to approach any pressure value over a very wide vacuum range.

Find out more about the results of this development in the special issue “Physic’s Best April 2014”  of the trade journal “Physik-Journal” or in the June/July 2014 issue of the magazine “Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis”.

May 2014

Delivery of a vacuum system with an internal chamber diameter of 500 mm for the production of buoyancy spheres to Nautilus Marine Service GmbH.

April 2014

With the VCU vacuum controller, we can offer you a universally applicable control and display unit for up to three active vacuum sensors, which is manufactured in-house in one, two or three-channel versions. It is the first device in the new JEVATEC design.

September 2013

A second multi-channel vacuum gauge complements the controller series for passive vacuum sensors under the private label. The Pirani and ionisation vacuumeter (extractor or Bayard-Alpert) measuring principles enable seamless measurement and control of the vacuum pressure between atmosphere and 1·10-12 mbar.

December 2012

JEVATEC brings light into the void. Under this motto, we offer you the flange-mounted recipient lighting FHL – easy-to-install halogen lighting for your vacuum chamber.

December 2011

New Internet presence in JEVATEC design.

October 2011

Under the slogan “Learning – Living – Living”, the VACOM boarding school becomes the VIVUS boarding school. The family atmosphere will be retained for the 48 pupils from year 9 of the specialised mathematics and science classes at the Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasium Jena.

October 2011

VACOM Steuerungsbau und Service GmbH becomes JEVATEC GmbH – violet becomes blue, a new name, but with a familiar motto. With our ideas in vacuum technology, we are at your disposal in the usual way to solve your problems.

May 2011

The company has been operating successfully for 15 years. Dr Ute Bergner announces her departure from the company as managing partner. The two managing partners Ingo Stiebritz and Peter Storch will continue to support you with their proven team in the usual way.

April 2011

The modern assembly area for vacuum systems is inaugurated.

December 2010

Production of the 10000th single-channel vacuum indicator for active vacuum sensors under private label.

April 2009

Development of a BARION® XS hot cathode ionisation vacuumeters and series production from September 2009.

March 2009

Start of series production of a multi-channel vacuum gauge for passive vacuum sensors under a private label. The Pirani and Penning measuring principles enable seamless measurement and control of the vacuum pressure between atmosphere and 1·10-9 mbar.

from 2009

Construction and assembly of vacuum coating systems with an internal chamber diameter of 700 and 900 mm for Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Präzisionsoptik Gera GmbH.

December 2007

Production of the 2000th ATMION® wide-range vacuum gauge.

August 2006

Start of series production of the MVC-3 multi-channel vacuum gauge in five different versions for active and passive sensors.

June 2006

After intensive preparation, the company is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.

July 2005

A two-channel and a three-channel vacuum indicator complete the series of controllers for active sensors under the private label.

February 2004

Development of a Profibus-DP coupling for mass flow controllers and start of series production in various versions.

August 2002

Delivery of the 500th ATMION® wide-range vacuum gauge.

April 2001

Start of series production of approx. 1000 devices per year of a single-channel vacuum indicator for active vacuum sensors under private label.

February 2001

The boarding school has reached its full expansion stage with the completion and occupation of the top floor.

November 2000

The second generation of the ATMION® is available as a standard or compact version. A Profibus-DP interface is available for industrial customers for the first time.

March 2000

Finally plenty of space to develop new ideas. The company’s move to the new building complex at Schreckenbachweg 8 in Jena has made this possible.

At the same time, a boarding school for pupils from year 9 of the specialised mathematics and science classes at Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasium Jena is opened in another part of the building.

September 1998

The first company location is bursting at the seams. The purchase of the property at Schreckenbachweg 8 from SBA Trafobau opens up new opportunities.

from 1998

Modernisation of vacuum systems with PLC control at Carl-Zeiss-Jena GmbH, Essilor GmbH Rathenow, IPHT in Jena and Docter Optics GmbH in Neustadt/Orla.

April 1997

Market launch of the world’s first active wide-range vacuum gauge. The ATMION® combines the Pirani and Bayard-Alpert hot cathode ionisation measuring principles in a single sensor.

May 1997

Development and production of the first private label flow controller for a Japanese company.

from 1997

Systematic set-up of electronics production of measuring and control devices for vacuum technology.

August 1996

Takeover of the vacuum service at Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH with two service technicians.

February 1996

Foundation of the company as VACOM Steuerungsbau und Service GmbH by Dr Ute Bergner, Ingo Stiebritz and Peter Storch. Start of business activities with a vacuum technician in Gabelsberger Straße in Jena with a guaranteed garage atmosphere. However, this property first had to be made usable …