Category: Products
Number of Subcategories: 12
Files: 0

Data sheets, manuals, CAD data and software for all of the JEVATEC® products

atmion.png ATMION®
Files: 12

Data sheets, manuals, CAD data and software for the active wide-range vacuum gauge ATMION®

Data sheets, manuals and CAD data for the active Pirani vacuum gauge JEVAmet® PRM / PRM-S

Data sheets and manuals for the active piezo-resisitve vacuum gauge JEVAmet® PZM-2000

Data sheets, manuals and CAD data for the passive Bayard-Alpert ionisation sensor JEVAmet® IOS-40C

jevamet-vcu.png JEVAmet® VCU
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Data sheets, manuals, CAD data and software for the vacuum controller JEVAmet® VCU

Data sheets, manuals and CAD data for the flow controller JEVAflow® FCU-4

sublicon.png SUBLICON®
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Data sheets, manuals and CAD data for the TSP power supply SUBLICON®

jevalux_fll_20231.png JEVAlux® FLL
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Data sheets and CAD data for the flange-mounted LED vacuum chamber illumination JEVAlux® FLL

jevalux_fhl.png JEVAlux® FHL
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Data sheets and CAD data for the flange-mounted vacuum chamber illumination JEVAlux® FHL

jevalux_shl.png JEVAlux® SHL
Files: 2

Data sheets and CAD data for the free-standing vacuum chamber illumination JEVAlux® SHL

jevapart_vr.png JEVApart® VR
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Data sheets for the vacuum suitably resistors JEVApart® VR

jevasys_v900.png JEVAsys® V900
Files: 1

Data sheets for the high vacuum coating system JEVAsys® V900